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Zoning & Development Code Update
The Zoning & Development Code update is an important next step in the comprehensive planning process, focused on making sure that the rules that govern land development (zoning and subdivision regulations) support the vision, goals and strategies that were identified by the community as part of the One Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan.
Project Overview
The City of Grand Junction is updating its Zoning and Development Code (Z&DC). This project is an important next step in the comprehensive planning process, focused on making sure that the rules that govern land development (zoning and subdivision regulations) support the vision, goals and strategies that were identified by the community as part of the One Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan.
The goals of the Zoning and Development Code update project include:
The goals of the Zoning and Development Code update project include:
- Updating the City’s regulations to better reflect the goals and policies described in the 2020 One Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan, especially those Key Principles related to Responsible and Managed Growth and Strong Neighborhoods and Housing Choices.
- Achieving a higher level of efficiency, consistency, and simplicity.
- Identifying constraints and opportunities for affordable and attainable housing, consistent with those identified in the City’s recently adopted Housing Strategies.
The Zoning and Development Code update process will be completed in two distinct phases over the next year, beginning with a Phase 1 Code Assessment Report that identifies needed updates to the Code, followed by the substantive revisions to the Z&DC in Phase 2.

Felix Landry
Planning Supervisor
Tue, Oct 25, 2022
City of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code Module 2 Draft Now Available for Public Review
The City of Grand Junction is updating its Zoning and Development Code and the Module 2 draft (PDF) is now available for public review and input. Module 1 was posted this past summer and the city has planned public discussion sessions about both Modules 1 and 2. An in-person meeting is planned for Thursday, November 3 at 5:15 p.m. in the auditorium at City Hall, 250 N. 5th St. and two virtual meetings will be held on Friday, November 4 at 9 a.m. and again at noon. Comments can also be provided at GJSpeaks.org. More information is available on the City's Project website.
Updating the Zoning and Development Code will consist of three draft modules. Drafts of Modules 1 and 2 have been made available for public review and Module 3 will be available in mid-December. The project should conclude in the spring of 2023. Community members may comment virtually, in person, or via email at any point during the project. The city will consider all community input gathered throughout the project in drafting the final version of the updated code.
The goals of the Zoning and Development Code update project include:
- Updating the city’s regulations to better reflect the goals and policies described in the 2020 One Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan, especially those key principles related to responsible and managed growth and strong neighborhoods and housing choices.
- Achieving a higher level of efficiency, consistency, and simplicity.
- Identifying constraints and opportunities for affordable and attainable housing, consistent with those identified in the city’s recently adopted Housing Strategies.
For more information or to receive notifications about this project, sign up with NotifyMe. Questions or comments can be posted to GJSpeaks.org or emailed to the Community Development Department at ZoningCodeUpdate@gjcity.org.
Module 2 - Zoning and Development Code
( 3.36 MB )
Module 2 - Overview Memo
( 0.13 MB )
Mon, Oct 31, 2022
City Council Workshop
Tue, Nov 1, 2022
Zoning & Development Code Update Committee Meeting
Thu, Nov 3, 2022
Public Listening Session
Thu, Nov 3, 2022
Planning Commission Workshop
Fri, Nov 4, 2022
Public Listening Session
Fri, Dec 16, 2022
City of Grand Junction Zoning and Development Code Module 3 Draft Now Available for Public Review
The first draft of Module 3 (PDF) is now available for review, along with a Module 3 Overview Memo (PDF) which summarizes the changes in the draft and also outlines the discussion topics scheduled for the Zoning and Development Code (ZDC) Update Committee meeting as well as Planning Commission and City Council workshops.
The ZDC Committee will begin to review and discuss Module 3 at their December 19 meeting with follow up meetings in January, City Council at their December 19 workshop, and the Planning Commission at their December 20 workshop. Comments can be emailed to the Community Development Department at zoningcodeupdate@gjcity.org or submitted through GJSpeaks.org.
Modules 1 & 2 remain available to view in the Resources section above.
Module 3 - Overview Memo
( 0.21 MB )
Module 3 - Zoning & Development Code
( 2.35 MB )
Mon, Dec 19, 2022
City Council Workshop
Mon, Dec 19, 2022
Zoning & Development Code Update Committee Meeting
Tue, Dec 20, 2022
Planning Commission Workshop
Fri, Jan 13, 2023
Public Input Meetings
The City will be hosting public input meetings to gather feedback about the proposed changes to the Zoning and Development Code. The project team will present a summary of the proposed changes and provide time for questions and discussion with citizens. Detailed meeting information is below:
- 19 January (Thursday) – Lincoln Park Barn (910 N. 12th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501) – 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- This is an in-person meeting
- There will be activities available for families that may attend.
- Refreshments will be provided
- 20 January (Friday) – City Hall Auditorium (250 N 5th Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501) – 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
- This is an in-person meeting with a virtual attendance option: Virtual Meeting Link
- Refreshments will be provided.
If you are interested in reviewing the draft language, please review the following.
- Code Assessment (initial report on existing regulations based on public feedback)
- Module 1 Draft
- Module 1 Overview Memo (describes the major changes in Module 1)
- Module 2 Draft
- Module 2 Overview Memo (describes the major changes in Module 2)
- Module 3 Draft
- Module 3 Overview Memo (describes the major changes in Module 3)
These materials are also available through the project website and the GJ Speaks website. Citizens can submit questions and comments through GJ Speaks or via email at zoningcodeupdate@gjcity.org. For more information about the project or to talk with City staff, please reach out to Felix Landry at felixl@gjcity.org or at 970-256-4009.
Fri, Jan 27, 2023
Project Update
The project team has begun to draft a consolidated draft of all three modules of the code. The consolidated draft will incorporate all the feedback received from the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Zoning & Development Code Update Committee, Citizens, and City Staff into an updated consolidated draft for review. This project remains on schedule to go to the Planning Commission for public hearing on March 28th, and before City Council on April 5th and April 19th. Below are the original drafts of the code for Modules 1, 2, and 3; along with an overview memo for each draft and a set of fact sheets describing the overall project and where the code has been significantly updated.
Modules & Overview Memos:
Modules & Overview Memos:
- Code Assessment (PDF) (initial report on existing regulations based on public feedback)
- Module 1 Draft (PDF)
- Module 1 Overview Memo (PDF) (describes the major changes in Module 1)
- Module 2 Draft (PDF)
- Module 2 Overview Memo (PDF) (describes the major changes in Module 2)
- Module 3 Draft (PDF)
- Module 3 Overview Memo (PDF) (describes the major changes in Module 3)
Fact Sheets:
( 0.86 MB )
( 0.85 MB )
( 0.51 MB )
( 0.78 MB )
( 1.07 MB )
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10 community members are following this project.
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Commenting is currently closed on Grand Junction Speaks for this project.